Sunday, January 23, 2011

2011--Starting Fresh

We are nearing the end of January how are you doing with those New Year's Resolutions? If you're anything like the rest of Americans, you started out strong, determined to change or improve some aspect of yourself. Then comes life. We get busy with out families or with our careers, and those resolutions or goals of the new year start to get pushed aside. Now is the perfect time to sit down and analyze. Here are a few questions to ponder:
  1. How have you done thus far? Don't get discouraged if your haven't obtained your goal in 3 short weeks. We need to look how far we have came and focus on that. For example, if you resolved to quit smoking, compare where you were at the end of 2010 to where you are now. Even if you are smoking just 1 cigarette less a day, that's an improvement! Don't beat yourself up if you're not completely done, just know there is still work to do.
  2. What have you done to follow through with your resolution and how are these things working? Think about each step you've taken and where it's gotten you. Know that it's okay to change the plan. If there is something that doesn't seem to be working or helping, adopt a new strategy. A common definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So you might need to change it up a little.
  3. What's my plan from here? Once you've analyzed where you are at and how you've gotten there, you can now look to the future. Make small goals (daily, weekly, monthly) for the future and create an action plan to accomplish the task at hand.
Now you are ready to rock! Be proud of what you have done thus far and keep your eye on the prize.

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